At CryptoPredictions we provide daily, monthly and yearly predictions for blue on base and other cryptocurrencies. While we provide one of the most accurate predictions for $BLUE on the market, they should never be taken as financial advice. Always do your due diligence before investing.
blue on base started in March 2025 at $0.000000036600587 and is predicted to finish the month at $0.000000018931479. During March, the maximum forecasted $BLUE price is $0.000000043042152 and the minimum price is $0.000000018931479.
blue on base is predicted to start in April 2025 at $0.000000033066905 and finish the month at $0.000000048091702. During April, the maximum forecasted $BLUE price is $0.000000048146338 and the minimum price is $0.00000003273951.
blue on base is predicted to start in May 2025 at $0.000000049053536 and finish the month at $0.000000039396385. During May, the maximum forecasted $BLUE price is $0.000000051841376 and the minimum price is $0.000000035252136.
The $BLUE Price is forecasted for today (14.03.2025) to be in the $0.000000017825415 - $0.000000026213845 price range. blue on base is predicted to end today at $0.000000020971076.
The $BLUE Price is forecasted for tomorrow (15.03.2025) to be in the $0.000000018003669 - $0.000000026475984 price range. blue on base is predicted to start tomorrow at $0.000000021180787 and end the day at $0.000000021392595.
Month | Minimum price | Maximum price | Average price | Change |
March 2025 | $0.000000029268664 | $0.000000043042152 | $0.000000034433722 | 64.20% |
April 2025 | $0.00000003273951 | $0.000000048146338 | $0.000000038517071 | 83.67% |
May 2025 | $0.000000035252136 | $0.000000051841376 | $0.000000041473101 | 97.76% |
June 2025 | $0.000000037392545 | $0.000000054989036 | $0.000000043991229 | 109.77% |
July 2025 | $0.000000039197426 | $0.000000057643273 | $0.000000046114618 | 119.90% |
August 2025 | $0.000000040880288 | $0.000000060118071 | $0.000000048094457 | 129.34% |
September 2025 | $0.000000042431042 | $0.000000062398591 | $0.000000049918872 | 138.04% |
October 2025 | $0.000000043836354 | $0.000000064465227 | $0.000000051572181 | 145.92% |
November 2025 | $0.000000045211454 | $0.000000066487432 | $0.000000053189946 | 153.64% |
December 2025 | $0.000000046476518 | $0.000000068347821 | $0.000000054678257 | 160.73% |
Month | Minimum price | Maximum price | Average price | Change |
January 2026 | $0.000000047726712 | $0.000000070186342 | $0.000000056149073 | 167.75% |
February 2026 | $0.000000048925416 | $0.000000071949141 | $0.000000057559313 | 174.47% |
March 2026 | $0.000000049967949 | $0.000000073482278 | $0.000000058785822 | 180.32% |
April 2026 | $0.000000051079779 | $0.000000075117322 | $0.000000060093857 | 186.56% |
May 2026 | $0.000000052119107 | $0.000000076645746 | $0.000000061316597 | 192.39% |
June 2026 | $0.000000053156266 | $0.00000007817098 | $0.000000062536784 | 198.21% |
July 2026 | $0.000000054126471 | $0.000000079597752 | $0.000000063678201 | 203.65% |
August 2026 | $0.000000055096375 | $0.000000081024082 | $0.000000064819265 | 209.09% |
September 2026 | $0.000000056034915 | $0.000000082404287 | $0.00000006592343 | 214.36% |
October 2026 | $0.000000056914895 | $0.000000083698375 | $0.0000000669587 | 219.29% |
November 2026 | $0.000000057797653 | $0.000000084996549 | $0.000000067997239 | 224.24% |
December 2026 | $0.000000058625288 | $0.000000086213659 | $0.000000068970927 | 228.89% |
Month | Minimum price | Maximum price | Average price | Change |
January 2027 | $0.000000059455486 | $0.000000087434539 | $0.000000069947631 | 233.54% |
February 2027 | $0.000000060261497 | $0.000000088619848 | $0.000000070895878 | 238.07% |
March 2027 | $0.000000060969699 | $0.000000089661323 | $0.000000071729058 | 242.04% |
April 2027 | $0.000000061731866 | $0.000000090782156 | $0.000000072625725 | 246.32% |
May 2027 | $0.000000062450491 | $0.000000091838957 | $0.000000073471166 | 250.35% |
June 2027 | $0.000000063173404 | $0.000000092902064 | $0.000000074321651 | 254.40% |
July 2027 | $0.00000006385483 | $0.000000093904162 | $0.00000007512333 | 258.22% |
August 2027 | $0.000000064541052 | $0.000000094913312 | $0.000000075930649 | 262.07% |
September 2027 | $0.000000065209877 | $0.000000095896878 | $0.000000076717502 | 265.83% |
October 2027 | $0.000000065841295 | $0.000000096825434 | $0.000000077460347 | 269.37% |
November 2027 | $0.000000066478961 | $0.000000097763178 | $0.000000078210542 | 272.95% |
December 2027 | $0.000000067080723 | $0.000000098648122 | $0.000000078918498 | 276.32% |
Month | Minimum price | Maximum price | Average price | Change |
January 2028 | $0.000000067688202 | $0.000000099541473 | $0.000000079633178 | 279.73% |
February 2028 | $0.000000068281712 | $0.000000100414282 | $0.000000080331426 | 283.06% |
March 2028 | $0.000000068824802 | $0.000000101212945 | $0.000000080970356 | 286.11% |
April 2028 | $0.000000069392148 | $0.000000102047277 | $0.000000081637821 | 289.29% |
May 2028 | $0.000000069930176 | $0.000000102838494 | $0.000000082270795 | 292.31% |
June 2028 | $0.000000070474463 | $0.000000103638916 | $0.000000082911133 | 295.36% |
July 2028 | $0.000000070990328 | $0.000000104397542 | $0.000000083518034 | 298.25% |
August 2028 | $0.000000071512595 | $0.000000105165581 | $0.000000084132465 | 301.18% |
September 2028 | $0.000000072024305 | $0.000000105918095 | $0.000000084734476 | 304.06% |
October 2028 | $0.000000072509831 | $0.000000106632104 | $0.000000085305683 | 306.78% |
November 2028 | $0.000000073002564 | $0.000000107356711 | $0.000000085885369 | 309.54% |
December 2028 | $0.000000073469769 | $0.000000108043777 | $0.000000086435022 | 312.16% |
Month | Minimum price | Maximum price | Average price | Change |
January 2029 | $0.000000073943592 | $0.000000108740576 | $0.000000086992461 | 314.82% |
February 2029 | $0.000000074408632 | $0.000000109424459 | $0.000000087539567 | 317.43% |
March 2029 | $0.000000074821377 | $0.000000110031436 | $0.000000088025149 | 319.75% |
April 2029 | $0.000000075269942 | $0.000000110691091 | $0.000000088552873 | 322.26% |
May 2029 | $0.000000075697073 | $0.000000111319225 | $0.00000008905538 | 324.66% |
June 2029 | $0.000000076130897 | $0.000000111957201 | $0.000000089565761 | 327.09% |
July 2029 | $0.00000007654366 | $0.000000112564206 | $0.000000090051365 | 329.41% |
August 2029 | $0.000000076963117 | $0.000000113181055 | $0.000000090544844 | 331.76% |
September 2029 | $0.000000077375623 | $0.00000011378768 | $0.000000091030144 | 334.08% |
October 2029 | $0.000000077768411 | $0.00000011436531 | $0.000000091492248 | 336.28% |
November 2029 | $0.000000078168405 | $0.000000114953537 | $0.000000091962829 | 338.52% |
December 2029 | $0.000000078548949 | $0.00000011551316 | $0.000000092410528 | 340.66% |
blue on base is forecasted to hit $0.000000054678257 by the end of 2025. The expected average $BLUE price for 2025 is $0.000000046198345, which is a 160.73% increase in value from the current price. The maximum predicted price for 2025 is $0.000000068347821 which is forecasted to be reached in December 2025.
Our prediction system forecasts that the blue on base price will stay tomorrow between $0.000000018003669 - $0.000000026475984. blue on base is predicted to start tomorrow at $0.000000020971076 and end the day at $0.000000021392595.
blue on base is forecasted to be worth on average $0.000000056149073 by the beginning of 2026 (January). In the years that follow - 2027, 2028, 2029 the $BLUE price is predicted to be in January worth on average $0.000000069947631, $0.000000079633178, $0.000000086992461, respectively.
The expected average $BLUE price for April 2025 is $0.000000038517071, which is a 83.67% increasein value from the current price. The minimum predicted price of blue on base for this time period is $0.00000003273951 and the maximum price is $0.000000048146338.