At CryptoPredictions we provide daily, monthly and yearly predictions for COOK•THE•MEMPOOL and other cryptocurrencies. While we provide one of the most accurate predictions for ♨ on the market, they should never be taken as financial advice. Always do your due diligence before investing.
COOK•THE•MEMPOOL started in December 2024 at $0.000998589192295 and is predicted to finish the month at $0.000877060375946. During December, the maximum forecasted ♨ price is $0.001288864819266 and the minimum price is $0.000876428077101.
COOK•THE•MEMPOOL is predicted to start in January 2025 at $0.000885830979705 and finish the month at $0.000922202963999. During January, the maximum forecasted ♨ price is $0.001228332411204 and the minimum price is $0.000835266039618.
COOK•THE•MEMPOOL is predicted to start in February 2025 at $0.000940647023279 and finish the month at $0.001134122857606. During February, the maximum forecasted ♨ price is $0.001215623012105 and the minimum price is $0.000826623648231.
The ♨ Price is forecasted for today (26.12.2024) to be in the $0.000702570072692 - $0.001033191283371 price range. COOK•THE•MEMPOOL is predicted to end today at $0.000826553026697.
The ♨ Price is forecasted for tomorrow (27.12.2024) to be in the $0.000702570072692 - $0.001033191283371 price range. COOK•THE•MEMPOOL is predicted to start tomorrow at $0.000826553026697 and end the day at $0.000826553026697.
Month | Minimum price | Maximum price | Average price | Change |
December 2024 | $0.000876428077101 | $0.001288864819266 | $0.001031091855413 | 15.74% |
Month | Minimum price | Maximum price | Average price | Change |
January 2025 | $0.000835266039618 | $0.001228332411204 | $0.000982665928963 | 10.31% |
February 2025 | $0.000826623648231 | $0.001215623012105 | $0.000972498409684 | 9.17% |
March 2025 | $0.000854684614129 | $0.001256889138425 | $0.00100551131074 | 12.87% |
April 2025 | $0.000920286024958 | $0.001353361801409 | $0.001082689441127 | 21.53% |
May 2025 | $0.001004634074056 | $0.001477403050083 | $0.001181922440066 | 32.67% |
June 2025 | $0.001099575217841 | $0.001617022379179 | $0.001293617903343 | 45.21% |
July 2025 | $0.001191047788305 | $0.001751540865154 | $0.001401232692123 | 57.29% |
August 2025 | $0.001281290706461 | $0.001884251038913 | $0.00150740083113 | 69.21% |
September 2025 | $0.001365807545042 | $0.002008540507415 | $0.001606832405932 | 80.37% |
October 2025 | $0.00144196987397 | $0.002120543932309 | $0.001696435145848 | 90.43% |
November 2025 | $0.001515263328713 | $0.002228328424578 | $0.001782662739662 | 100.11% |
December 2025 | $0.001581232741942 | $0.002325342267562 | $0.00186027381405 | 108.82% |
Month | Minimum price | Maximum price | Average price | Change |
January 2026 | $0.001644891609482 | $0.002418958249238 | $0.00193516659939 | 117.23% |
February 2026 | $0.001704459879817 | $0.00250655864679 | $0.002005246917432 | 125.09% |
March 2026 | $0.001755121098424 | $0.002581060438858 | $0.002064848351087 | 131.78% |
April 2026 | $0.001808026437765 | $0.002658862408477 | $0.002127089926782 | 138.77% |
May 2026 | $0.001856494094135 | $0.002730138373727 | $0.002184110698982 | 145.17% |
June 2026 | $0.00190397461126 | $0.002799962663618 | $0.002239970130894 | 151.44% |
July 2026 | $0.001947647942863 | $0.002864188151269 | $0.002291350521015 | 157.21% |
August 2026 | $0.001990646647883 | $0.002927421541004 | $0.002341937232803 | 162.89% |
September 2026 | $0.002031675786408 | $0.002987758509424 | $0.002390206807539 | 168.31% |
October 2026 | $0.002069669335233 | $0.003043631375343 | $0.002434905100274 | 173.32% |
November 2026 | $0.00210735786306 | $0.003099055680971 | $0.002479244544777 | 178.30% |
December 2026 | $0.002142337231159 | $0.003150495928174 | $0.00252039674254 | 182.92% |
Month | Minimum price | Maximum price | Average price | Change |
January 2027 | $0.002177106938247 | $0.003201627850363 | $0.002561302280291 | 187.51% |
February 2027 | $0.0022105831593 | $0.003250857587206 | $0.002600686069765 | 191.93% |
March 2027 | $0.002239786749517 | $0.003293804043408 | $0.002635043234726 | 195.79% |
April 2027 | $0.002271012576852 | $0.003339724377724 | $0.002671779502179 | 199.91% |
May 2027 | $0.002300276200541 | $0.003382759118442 | $0.002706207294754 | 203.78% |
June 2027 | $0.002329553175574 | $0.003425813493492 | $0.002740650794793 | 207.64% |
July 2027 | $0.002357013088946 | $0.003466195719038 | $0.00277295657523 | 211.27% |
August 2027 | $0.002384542034965 | $0.003506679463184 | $0.002805343570547 | 214.91% |
September 2027 | $0.002411262089088 | $0.003545973660423 | $0.002836778928339 | 218.44% |
October 2027 | $0.00243639462706 | $0.003582933275088 | $0.00286634662007 | 221.75% |
November 2027 | $0.002461690806677 | $0.003620133539231 | $0.002896106831384 | 225.09% |
December 2027 | $0.002485489989791 | $0.003655132337928 | $0.002924105870342 | 228.24% |
Month | Minimum price | Maximum price | Average price | Change |
January 2028 | $0.002509448830817 | $0.003690365927672 | $0.002952292742138 | 231.40% |
February 2028 | $0.002532796995382 | $0.003724701463797 | $0.002979761171038 | 234.49% |
March 2028 | $0.002554113601328 | $0.003756049413717 | $0.003004839530974 | 237.30% |
April 2028 | $0.002576336663906 | $0.003788730388098 | $0.003030984310478 | 240.24% |
May 2028 | $0.002597371331913 | $0.003819663723402 | $0.003055730978721 | 243.01% |
June 2028 | $0.002618613911857 | $0.003850902811554 | $0.003080722249243 | 245.82% |
July 2028 | $0.002638715546079 | $0.003880464038352 | $0.003104371230682 | 248.47% |
August 2028 | $0.002659037420209 | $0.003910349147366 | $0.003128279317893 | 251.16% |
September 2028 | $0.002678922106553 | $0.003939591333166 | $0.003151673066533 | 253.78% |
October 2028 | $0.002697766907417 | $0.003967304275614 | $0.003173843420491 | 256.27% |
November 2028 | $0.002716870764891 | $0.003995398183663 | $0.00319631854693 | 258.79% |
December 2028 | $0.002734967043149 | $0.004022010357571 | $0.003217608286057 | 261.18% |
COOK•THE•MEMPOOL is forecasted to hit $0.001031091855413 by the end of 2024. The expected average ♨ price for 2024 is $0.001031091855413, which is a 15.74% increase in value from the current price. The maximum predicted price for 2024 is $0.001288864819266 which is forecasted to be reached in December 2024.
Our prediction system forecasts that the COOK•THE•MEMPOOL price will stay tomorrow between $0.000702570072692 - $0.001033191283371. COOK•THE•MEMPOOL is predicted to start tomorrow at $0.000826553026697 and end the day at $0.000826553026697.
COOK•THE•MEMPOOL is forecasted to be worth on average $0.000982665928963 by the beginning of 2025 (January). In the years that follow - 2026, 2027, 2028 the ♨ price is predicted to be in January worth on average $0.00193516659939, $0.002561302280291, $0.002952292742138, respectively.
The expected average ♨ price for January 2025 is $0.000982665928963, which is a 10.31% increasein value from the current price. The minimum predicted price of COOK•THE•MEMPOOL for this time period is $0.000835266039618 and the maximum price is $0.001228332411204.