At CryptoPredictions we provide daily, monthly and yearly predictions for Vertex and other cryptocurrencies. While we provide one of the most accurate predictions for $VERTEX on the market, they should never be taken as financial advice. Always do your due diligence before investing.
Vertex started in March 2025 at $0.000014902363305 and is predicted to finish the month at $0.000013663566175. During March, the maximum forecasted $VERTEX price is $0.000024529582145 and the minimum price is $0.000013663566175.
Vertex is predicted to start in April 2025 at $0.000015995991234 and finish the month at $0.000022114972253. During April, the maximum forecasted $VERTEX price is $0.000023290610416 and the minimum price is $0.000015837615083.
Vertex is predicted to start in May 2025 at $0.000021672672808 and finish the month at $0.000022616705767. During May, the maximum forecasted $VERTEX price is $0.000028963061615 and the minimum price is $0.000019694881898.
The $VERTEX Price is forecasted for today (15.03.2025) to be in the $0.000011640736684 - $0.000017118730418 price range. Vertex is predicted to end today at $0.000013694984334.
The $VERTEX Price is forecasted for tomorrow (16.03.2025) to be in the $0.000012109858373 - $0.000017808615254 price range. Vertex is predicted to start tomorrow at $0.000014246892203 and end the day at $0.000014531830047.
Month | Minimum price | Maximum price | Average price | Change |
March 2025 | $0.000016680115858 | $0.000024529582145 | $0.000019623665716 | 37.52% |
April 2025 | $0.000015837615083 | $0.000023290610416 | $0.000018632488333 | 30.57% |
May 2025 | $0.000019694881898 | $0.000028963061615 | $0.000023170449292 | 62.37% |
June 2025 | $0.00002211525671 | $0.000032522436339 | $0.000026017949071 | 82.33% |
July 2025 | $0.000023837218702 | $0.000035054733385 | $0.000028043786708 | 96.52% |
August 2025 | $0.000025263865533 | $0.000037152743431 | $0.000029722194745 | 108.28% |
September 2025 | $0.000026461130179 | $0.000038913426734 | $0.000031130741387 | 118.16% |
October 2025 | $0.000027467074493 | $0.000040392756607 | $0.000032314205286 | 126.45% |
November 2025 | $0.000028390479671 | $0.000041750705399 | $0.000033400564319 | 134.06% |
December 2025 | $0.000029194601912 | $0.000042933238106 | $0.000034346590485 | 140.69% |
Month | Minimum price | Maximum price | Average price | Change |
January 2026 | $0.000029952492862 | $0.000044047783621 | $0.000035238226897 | 146.94% |
February 2026 | $0.000030649386814 | $0.000045072627668 | $0.000036058102134 | 152.68% |
March 2026 | $0.000031234747095 | $0.00004593345161 | $0.000036746761288 | 157.51% |
April 2026 | $0.000031840313523 | $0.000046823990475 | $0.00003745919238 | 162.50% |
May 2026 | $0.000032390942543 | $0.000047633739034 | $0.000038106991227 | 167.04% |
June 2026 | $0.000032927253474 | $0.00004842243158 | $0.000038737945264 | 171.46% |
July 2026 | $0.000033418350574 | $0.000049144633197 | $0.000039315706557 | 175.51% |
August 2026 | $0.000033900171834 | $0.000049853193873 | $0.000039882555098 | 179.49% |
September 2026 | $0.000034358643106 | $0.000050527416333 | $0.000040421933066 | 183.27% |
October 2026 | $0.000034782280973 | $0.000051150413196 | $0.000040920330557 | 186.76% |
November 2026 | $0.000035201808706 | $0.000051767365744 | $0.000041413892595 | 190.22% |
December 2026 | $0.000035590663883 | $0.000052339211592 | $0.000041871369274 | 193.42% |
Month | Minimum price | Maximum price | Average price | Change |
January 2027 | $0.000035976790461 | $0.000052907044795 | $0.000042325635836 | 196.61% |
February 2027 | $0.000036348252628 | $0.000053453312688 | $0.00004276265015 | 199.67% |
March 2027 | $0.000036672114282 | $0.000053929579826 | $0.000043143663861 | 202.34% |
April 2027 | $0.000037018250438 | $0.000054438603586 | $0.000043550882869 | 205.19% |
May 2027 | $0.000037342528893 | $0.000054915483666 | $0.000043932386933 | 207.87% |
June 2027 | $0.000037666882735 | $0.000055392474611 | $0.000044313979689 | 210.54% |
July 2027 | $0.0000379710639 | $0.000055839799853 | $0.000044671839882 | 213.05% |
August 2027 | $0.000038275989881 | $0.000056288220413 | $0.000045030576331 | 215.56% |
September 2027 | $0.000038571954514 | $0.00005672346252 | $0.000045378770016 | 218.00% |
October 2027 | $0.000038850347402 | $0.000057132863827 | $0.000045706291062 | 220.30% |
November 2027 | $0.000039130577036 | $0.00005754496623 | $0.000046035972984 | 222.61% |
December 2027 | $0.000039394254738 | $0.000057932727556 | $0.000046346182045 | 224.78% |
Month | Minimum price | Maximum price | Average price | Change |
January 2028 | $0.000039659740912 | $0.000058323148399 | $0.00004665851872 | 226.97% |
February 2028 | $0.00003991850579 | $0.000058703684985 | $0.000046962947988 | 229.10% |
March 2028 | $0.000040154800082 | $0.000059051176591 | $0.000047240941273 | 231.05% |
April 2028 | $0.000040401193278 | $0.000059413519526 | $0.000047530815621 | 233.08% |
May 2028 | $0.000040634462598 | $0.000059756562644 | $0.000047805250115 | 235.01% |
June 2028 | $0.000040870093124 | $0.000060103078124 | $0.000048082462499 | 236.95% |
July 2028 | $0.000041093122584 | $0.000060431062623 | $0.000048344850099 | 238.79% |
August 2028 | $0.000041318652781 | $0.000060762724678 | $0.000048610179743 | 240.65% |
September 2028 | $0.000041539389475 | $0.000061087337464 | $0.000048869869971 | 242.47% |
October 2028 | $0.000041748638154 | $0.000061395056109 | $0.000049116044887 | 244.19% |
November 2028 | $0.000041960820672 | $0.000061707089224 | $0.000049365671379 | 245.94% |
December 2028 | $0.00004216186726 | $0.000062002745971 | $0.000049602196777 | 247.60% |
Month | Minimum price | Maximum price | Average price | Change |
January 2029 | $0.000042365635914 | $0.000062302405755 | $0.000049841924604 | 249.28% |
February 2029 | $0.000042565519478 | $0.000062596352174 | $0.000050077081739 | 250.93% |
March 2029 | $0.000042742846621 | $0.000062857127383 | $0.000050285701907 | 252.39% |
April 2029 | $0.000042935491114 | $0.000063140428109 | $0.000050512342487 | 253.98% |
May 2029 | $0.000043118870757 | $0.000063410104055 | $0.000050728083244 | 255.49% |
June 2029 | $0.000043305073804 | $0.000063683932064 | $0.000050947145652 | 257.02% |
July 2029 | $0.000043482199957 | $0.000063944411702 | $0.000051155529361 | 258.48% |
August 2029 | $0.000043662169193 | $0.000064209072343 | $0.000051367257874 | 259.97% |
September 2029 | $0.00004383913454 | $0.000064469315501 | $0.0000515754524 | 261.43% |
October 2029 | $0.000044007628247 | $0.000064717100363 | $0.000051773680291 | 262.81% |
November 2029 | $0.000044179206846 | $0.000064969421833 | $0.000051975537466 | 264.23% |
December 2029 | $0.000044342441662 | $0.000065209473032 | $0.000052167578425 | 265.58% |
Vertex is forecasted to hit $0.000034346590485 by the end of 2025. The expected average $VERTEX price for 2025 is $0.000027640263534, which is a 140.69% increase in value from the current price. The maximum predicted price for 2025 is $0.000042933238106 which is forecasted to be reached in December 2025.
Our prediction system forecasts that the Vertex price will stay tomorrow between $0.000012109858373 - $0.000017808615254. Vertex is predicted to start tomorrow at $0.000013694984334 and end the day at $0.000014531830047.
Vertex is forecasted to be worth on average $0.000035238226897 by the beginning of 2026 (January). In the years that follow - 2027, 2028, 2029 the $VERTEX price is predicted to be in January worth on average $0.000042325635836, $0.00004665851872, $0.000049841924604, respectively.
The expected average $VERTEX price for April 2025 is $0.000018632488333, which is a 30.57% increasein value from the current price. The minimum predicted price of Vertex for this time period is $0.000015837615083 and the maximum price is $0.000023290610416.